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Behavioral Health HEDIS PowerPoint Microlearnings

Purpose: The purpose of the trainings are for medical and behavioral health providers to recognize the intent of the Behavioral Health HEDIS measures and share strategies to impact quality care and outcomes for our members'

Target Audience: Medical and Behavioral health Providers, including licensed and unlicensed health care professionals and office staff.

Duration: 8-10 mins each

  1. Antidepressant Medication Management and Antipsychotic Medication Adherence: Optimizing the AMM and SAA HEDIS® Measures
  2. Follow-Up Care After a Hospital or Emergency Department Visit for Mental Illness: Optimizing the FUH and FUM HEDIS® Measures
  3. Initiation and Engagement, Follow-Up After Emergency Department or High Intensity Care for Substance Use Disorders: Optimizing the IET, FUA, and FUI HEDIS® measures