Clinical Guidelines
Clinical Coverage Guidelines
Clinical Coverage Guidelines (CCG) are evidence-based documents detailing the medical necessity of given procedures or technologies.
The guidelines set consistent criteria for the coverage of a procedure or technology, leading to greater consistency and efficiency in clinical decision making. This consistency and efficiency results in better provider/company interactions and increases the quality of our members' health.
- Acute Inpatient Hospital Services: WNC.CP.252 (PDF)
- Allergy Immunotherapy: WNC.CP.221 (PDF)
- Allergy Testing: WNC.CP.220 (PDF)
- Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Genetic Diseases and Acquired Anemias: WNC.CP.241 (PDF)
- Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation for Myelodysplastic Syndromes & Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: WNC.CP.244 (PDF)
- Ambulance Services: WNC.CP.187 (PDF)
- Ambulatory Withdrawal Management With Extended Onsite Monitoring (ASAM 2 WM): WNC.CP.290 (PDF)
- Ambulatory Withdrawal Management Without Extended Onsite Monitoring (ASAM 1 WM): WNC.CP.289 (PDF)
- Cardiac Biomarker Testing: WNC.CP.145 (PDF)
- CAR-T Cell Therapy: WNC.CP.192 (PDF)
- Casgevy – Pharmacy Prior Approval Criteria: WNC.CP.300 (PDF)
- Caudal or Interlaminar Epidural Steroid Injections / Trial of Implantable Intrathecal Pain Pump: WNC.CP.265 (PDF)
- Cell and Gene Therapies: WNC.CP.299 (PDF)
- Child First Services: WNC.CP.263 (PDF)
- Chiropractic Services: WNC.CP.275 (PDF)
- Cochlear and Auditory Brainstem Implant External Parts Replacement and Repair: WNC.CP.119 (PDF)
- Cochlear and Auditory Brainstem Implants: WNC.CP.112 (PDF)
- Craniofacial Surgery: WNC.CP.237 (PDF)
- Deep Brain Stimulation: WNC.CP.201 (PDF)
- Diagnostic Assessment: WNC.CP.212 (PDF)
- Diaphragmatic/Phrenic Nerve Stimulation: WNC.CP.156 (PDF)
- Dietary Evaluation and Counseling and Medical Lactation Services: WNC.CP.210 (PDF)
- Digital EEG Spike Analysis: WNC.CP.133 (PDF)
- Discography: WNC.CP.264 (PDF)
- Drug Testing for Opioid Treatment and Controlled Substance Monitoring: WNC.CP.253 (PDF)
- EEG in the Evaluation of Headache: WNC.CP.144 (PDF)
- Electric Tumor Treating Fields: WNC.CP.129 (PDF)
- Endometrial Ablation: WNC.CP.120 (PDF)
- Enhanced Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services: WNC.CP.114 (PDF)
- Evoked Potential Testing: WNC.CP.229 (PDF)
- Experimental Technologies: WNC.CP.158 (PDF)
- Extended Ophthalmoscopy: WNC.CP.180 (PDF)
- External Ocular Photography: WNC.CP.184 (PDF)
- Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy: WNC.CP.217 (PDF)
- Facet Joint Interventions: WNC.CP.267 (PDF)
- Facility-Based Crisis Service for Children and Adolescents: WNC.CP.116 (PDF)
- Family Planning Service WNC.CP.102 (PDF)
- Fecal Incontinence Treatments: WNC.CP.125 (PDF)
- Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: WNC.CP.194 (PDF)
- Fetal Surveillance: WNC.CP.225 (PDF)
- Fluorescein Angiography: WNC.CP.181 (PDF)
- General Ophthalmological Services: WNC.CP.283 (PDF)
- Genetic Testing - Gene Expression: WNC.CP.295 (PDF)
- Genetic Testing - Next Generation Sequencing: WNC.CP.296 (PDF)
- Genetic Testing for Carrier and Prenatal: WNC.CP.294 (PDF)
- Genetic Testing for Diagnosis and Treatment: WNC.CP.293 (PDF)
- Geropsychiatric Units in Nursing Facilities: WNC.CP.211 (PDF)
- Gastrointestinal Pathogen Nucleic Acid Detection Panel Testing: WNC.CP.269 (PDF)
- Gonioscopy: WNC.CP.183 (PDF)
- Hearing Aid Services in Adult Members Aged 21 and older: WNC.CP.276 (PDF)
- Hearing Aid Services in Members under Age 21: WNC.CP.106 (PDF)
- Heart (Cardiac) Transplantation: WNC.CP.202 (PDF)
- Heart/Lung Transplantation: WNC.CP.250 (PDF)
- Helicobacter Pylori Serology Testing: WNC.CP.142 (PDF)
- Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation for Central Nervous System (CNS) Embryonal Tumors & Ependymoma: WNC.CP.245 (PDF)
- Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation for Leukemia: WNC.CP.238 (PDF)
- Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation for Lymphoma: WNC.CP.239 (PDF)
- Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation For Multiple Myeloma, POEMS Syndrome and Primary Amyloidosis: WNC.CP.243 (PDF)
- Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation for Solid Tumors of Childhood: WNC.CP.240 (PDF)
- Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation in the Treatment of Germ Cell Tumors: WNC.CP.242 (PDF)
- Home Health Services: WNC.CP.207 (PDF)
- Home Infusion Therapy: WNC.CP.224 (PDF)
- Homocysteine Testing: WNC.CP.135 (PDF)
- Hospice Services: WNC.CP.272 (PDF)
- Hyperbaric Oxygenation Therapy: WNC.CP.199 (PDF)
- Hyperhidrosis Treatments WNC.CP.162 (PDF)
- Hysterectomy: WNC.CP.214 (PDF)
- Maternal Care Skilled Nurse Home Visit: WNC.CP.188 (PDF)
- Measurement of Serum 125-Dihydroxyvitamin D: WNC.CP.141 (PDF)
- Medically Monitored Inpatient Withdrawal Management Service (ASAM 3.7 WM): WNC.CP.281 (PDF)
- Medically Necessary Circumcision: WNC.CP.256 (PDF)
- Medically Necessary Routine Foot Care: WNC.CP.282 (PDF)
- Neonatal Sepsis Management: WNC.CP.167 (PDF)
- Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Guidelines: WNC.CP.168 (PDF)
- Nerve Blocks and Neurolysis for Pain Management: WNC.CP.148 (PDF)
- NICU Apnea Bradycardia Guidelines: WNC.CP.164 (PDF)
- NICU Discharge Guidelines: WNC.CP.163 (PDF)
- Non-Emergency Medical Transportation: WNC.CP.262 (PDF)
- Nursing Equipment and Supplies: WNC.CP.215 (PDF)
- Nursing Facility Services: WNC.CP.234 (PDF)
- Opioid Treatment Program Service: WNC.CP.277 (PDF)
- Optic Nerve Decompression Surgery: WNC.CP.121 (PDF)
- Orthotics & Prosthetics: WNC.CP.216 (PDF)
- Out-of-State Services: WNC.CP.196 (PDF)
- Outpatient Behavioral Health Services Provided by Direct-Enrolled Providers: WNC.CP.117 (PDF)
- Outpatient Specialized Therapies: WNC.CP.291 (PDF)
- Pancreas Transplant: WNC.CP.247 (PDF)
- Peer Support Services: WNC.CP.231 (PDF)
- Phase II Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs: WNC.CP.223 (PDF)
- Phototherapy for Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia: WNC.CP.131 (PDF)
- Physical Health Clinical Policy Committee: WNC.CP.297 (PDF)
- Physical Rehabilitation Equipment and Supplies: WNC.CP.108 (PDF)
- Physician Fluoride Varnish Services: WNC.CP.103 (PDF)
- Physician's Drug Program: WNC.CP.101 (PDF)
- Placental and Umbilical Cord Blood as a Source of Stem Cells: WNC.CP.191 (PDF)
- Polymerase Chain Reaction Respiratory Viral Panel Testing: WNC.CP.152 (PDF)
- Private Duty Nursing for Beneficiaries Age 21 and Older: WNC.CP.105 (PDF)
- Private Duty Nursing for Beneficiaries Under 21 years of Age: WNC.CP.208 (PDF)
- Pulmonary Function Testing: WNC.CP.274 (PDF)
- Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery: WNC.CP.236 (PDF)
- Research-Based Behavioral Health Treatment (RB-BHT) for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): WNC.CP.109 (PDF)
- Respiratory Equipment and Supplies: WNC.CP.213 (PDF)
- Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty: WNC.CP.189 (PDF)
- Routine Eye Examination and Visual Aids for Beneficiaries Under 21 years of Age: WNC.CP.107 (PDF)
- Routine Patient Costs Furnished in Connection with Participation in Qualifying Clinical Trials: WNC.CP.115 (PDF)
- Skin Substitutes: WNC.CP.222 (PDF)
- Sleep Studies and Polysomnography Services: WNC.CP.284 (PDF)
- Small Bowel and Small Bowel/Liver and Multivisceral Transplants: WNC.CP.246 (PDF)
- Soft Band and Implantable Bone Conduction Hearing Aid External Parts Replacement and Repair: WNC.CP.113 (PDF)
- Special Ophthalmological Services: WNC.CP.257 (PDF)
- State Plan Personal Care Services: WNC.CP.209 (PDF)
- Stereotactic Pallidotomy: WNC.CP.205 (PDF)
- Sterilization Procedures: WNC.CP.226 (PDF)
- Surgery for Ambiguous Genitalia: WNC.CP.227 (PDF)
- Surgery for Clinically Severe or Morbid Obesity: WNC.CP.228 (PDF)
- Surgery of the Lingual Frenulum: WNC.CP.197 (PDF)
- Telehealth Virtual Communications and Remote Patient Monitoring: WNC.CP.193 (PDF)
- Teleretinal Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy: WNC.CP.186 (PDF)
- Testing for Select Genitourinary Conditions: WNC.CP.173 (PDF)
- Therapeutic and Non-Therapeutic Abortions: WNC.CP.271 (PDF)
- Thymus Tissue Implantation: WNC.CP.279 (PDF)
- Total Artificial Heart: WNC.CP.122 (PDF)
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) are best-practice recommendations based on available clinical outcome and scientific evidence. WellCare Clinical Practice Guidelines reference expert professional and clinical society recommendations, ensuring that the guidelines contain the highest level of evidence-based content. Clinical Practice Guidelines are also used to guide efforts to improvement the quality of care in our membership.
Guidelines listed as In Review are currently in the approval process; the date listed is the most current copy of the guideline.
Guidelines listed as Revised have been reviewed and are current as of the date listed.